Airport transfers? What are they and how much?

  A 'transfer' in travelling terms means getting from the airport to your accommodation and then back if needed. Many travel agents will organize your airport transfers for you but in most cases, using them will cost you more than doing it yourself. Here are my tips to organize your own transfers as [...]

Reward programs

Why join a rewards program? Firstly you don’t have to but by my way of thinking, we all spend money and companies want us to spend with them so why not get something back for being loyal to that company or to a particular rewards program. When I talk to people about how I [...]

Car Hire

Save yourself time and money and organize the car hire yourself. There are a couple of great, all inclusive sights that I have come across that you can use that make the process pretty simple. One of the important things in hiring a car, is to have a plan of your travels. [...]

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